Sunday, February 8, 2009

An Economic Argument Against Laziness

I'm lazy.
Lazy enough that if I was asked to say "I am lazy", I'd agree and then conjugate the words into the opening sentence of this blog. I'm lazy enough to not look up the meaning of conjugate to see if it is indeed the right word to use in that previous sentence, despite the fact this blog is going out for the tens of people to see. I'm lazy enough to let spell check do all my work for my, even though the word might be spelled correctly but not used correctly.
But I think I might have to change that.
Damn economy.
Late fees always seem to be a pain in the butt when it comes to trying to save money. Sometimes the late fee comes because I actually couldn't afford to pay the bill right away, but for the most part it's out of sheer laziness. I let the bill sit around or it gets stuck in the "I'll look at that later" pile that really never gets looked at until a month later.
It's usually around that time I realize I've now ordered my CD of the month, DVD of the month, Time-Life's latest picture book, and have let the car insurance lapse. All because of my refusal to go through the mail.
That is why I have a CD collection featuring the second album's from such one album wonders as Arrested Development and SpaceHog to go with David Hasselhoff's Greatest Hits-the Knight Rider Years. That's why my DVD collection features such crappy movies as Autumn in New York, Never Ending Story II, and Finding Nemo. That's why books like Making Nails, Egypt's Least Interesting Tombs, and The Paris Hilton Story are taking up space on my bookshelf. And that's why I have a court date next month to prove I'm not some degenerate non-insurance-having driver.
How about the time I kept paying $100 a month for a gym membership I never used because I was too lazy to fill out the paperwork to end my membership? Or the thousands of dollars I've given to libraries for my staunch refusal to get off my butt and give them their book back? Or the times I've had to order out for food because I didn't have one single clean dish in the house?Yep, it's all money that I can't afford to lose but that I continue to give out because it's one less thing I'll have to do today.
So I've decided that I am going to stop being lazy and get my act together! No more late fees! Mail will be sorted and dealt with that day! I will make it to the bank! I will not sleep in that extra 10 minutes and I will make myself a lunch! I will....wait a minute...
The economy is stimulated by spending.
Well what do you know! I've been doing my part to keep this country afloat! Now it's your turn to help. Let those reply cards sit around! Let the milk spoil because you didn't want to put it away as soon as you poured it into your cereal and then you forgot you left it out. Let your lover or roommate go to the hospital because the pile of recycling fell over on them and broke their ankle.
No one else is spending money on purpose, so this "accidental" spending is our only shot of keeping our heads above water. So sit down and don't do a thing. Laziness is going to save this country.


  1. What gym costs 100 bucks a month to go to? Is it on the moon?

    Also, why don't you do your cartoons anymore. That "Who let the dogs out" one i think about ALL THE TIME.



  2. con⋅ju⋅gate   [v. kon-juh-geyt; adj., n. kon-juh-git, -geyt]
    verb, -gat⋅ed, -gat⋅ing, adjective, noun
    –verb (used with object)
    1. Grammar.
    a. to inflect (a verb).
    b. to recite or display all or some subsets of the inflected forms of (a verb), in a fixed order: One conjugates the present tense of the verb “be” as “I am, you are, he is, we are, you are, they are.”
    2. to join together, esp. in marriage.

    Glad I could help. Cheers, -H
